Our Winter 2017 Explorer has just been released, and we’re so proud of the many stories that reflect our commitment to our Clients, Company and Communities that we wanted to share the top 10 – check them out!
1. Providing a Safety-First Culture
Access Indianapolis completed a three-day on-site OSHA audit to become the first member of the Records and Information Management industry to receive the Voluntary Protection Program’s (VPP) certification. The VPP recognizes those who have achieved exemplary occupational safety and health standards and have maintained injury and illness rates below the national averages of their respective industries.
2. Raising Awareness for Breast Cancer
Access colors turned pink for a month as Team Members from across the United States, Costa Rica and Panama helped to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Teams participated in Race Against Breast Cancer events, Tough Mudders and Pink Ribbon Campaigns to support the cause and spread awareness.
3. Building Extraordinary Partnerships
Access Team Members took their Positively Different attitudes to a new level through outstanding customer service. Clients left glowing feedback for many jobs that were more than well done and, in turn, we would like to recognize the more than 160 Team Members who embraced the Access Way and received Tag Bonuses over this last quarter!
4. Giving Back During the Holidays
Whether for Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas, Access branches teamed up to provide toys, gifts and monetary donations to charitable organizations throughout our communities. From pumpkin decorating to the transportation of food and presents, many holidays were brightened thanks to our amazing Access teams.
5. Supporting Troops and Veterans
Recognizing that many service members cannot be with family during the holidays, Access Indy made sure to bring a bit of home to them. The Indianapolis branch sent holiday and get well soon cards to soldiers abroad and wounded/ill service men and women. Access Chicago also did their part to support veterans receiving treatment at a local VA hospital by providing and serving dinner for families staying at the Fisher House.
6. Playing Games to Help Heal Kids
Team Cincinnati pledged to play 30-minute gaming blocks in honor of kids undergoing treatment at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, and raised additional contributions through a bake sale and other events. Altogether, the team collected $1,500 for the Extra-Life program at the medical center.
7. Staying Active and Healthy
As part of the company-wide Today I Can Do Anything (TICDA) challenge, the St. Louis branch completed a six-week yoga program. The Team Members really seemed to enjoy the chance to get healthy and stay active, and we look forward to future opportunities that can keep our team as healthy as possible!
8. Building Houses, Creating Homes
Washington, NJ Team Members participated in a two-day house building project for the Warren County Habitat for Humanity. Over the course of two days, Team Members performed a variety of tasks, such as installing insulation and landscaping, and general cleanup and organization of the duplex and worksite.
9. Celebrating Successful Fundraising Partnerships
We are proud to announce that, after partnering with the Special Olympics throughout the 2016 ALA, ARMA and HR Tech conferences, we raised $5,000 for the organization! We also collected almost 300 inspirational messages to send to the 151 USA athletes competing in the 2017 Winter Games in Austria.
10. Making a Difference by Helping a Stranger
When leaving a client’s site, Cleveland Team Member, Nick Maichl, noticed a woman in the middle of the street crying and trying to flag someone down for help. Nick stopped to ask her what was wrong and found out that her tire had gone flat while she was following an ambulance taking her husband to the hospital. Nick quickly changed her tire and wished her the best as she left to meet her husband
Thanks for reading! If you want to know more about these 10 amazing stories, or would like to see our many other Team Member highlights, check out the full 2017 Winter Explorer.