Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
To Our Clients,
In response to Access’ ongoing management of our COVID-19 business activities, we continue to actively monitor the global health crisis and align our workplace practices in accordance with public health guidelines.
Access is maintaining procedural safeguards like maximizing social distancing, safe hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette, enhanced cleaning and disinfection practices, avoiding non-essential activities, self-monitoring, and screening to minimize the risk of the coronavirus in our environment. Communication and reinforcement of these practices are enabling Access to build momentum for long-term operational success.
Relying on our wealth of business continuity planning experience and expert staff, we are focusing on recovery-based activities to ensure the well-being of our Team Members and clients. This phased approach will direct our recovery activities in a cautious and conservative manner, while accelerating our services and capabilities.
Our COVID-19 Recovery Team is guided by several key objectives:
- Limiting the personal risk of infection and transmission by maintaining a safe environment using scientifically based workplace practices and controls
- Aligning workplace practices with guidelines from health officials and government authorities, and amending guidance and practices as the situation evolves
- Collaborating with our clients and business partners to maintain their safety and wellbeing while providing the very best service
As a reminder, Access can manage your information requirements through digital delivery of scanned documents and digitization of records for easier access.  Access remains committed to exceeding the expectations of our clients, company, and community every day. Everyone who interacts with our business can share in our confidence that we will continue to offer exceptional levels of service, safely, the Access Way.
Leigh Young
Chief Operating Officer
April 13, 2020
To our clients,
During this unprecedented time of uncertainty, all of us at Access are concerned about the health and safety of our families, team members, clients, and business partners who make up Access’ global community. Our business has followed public health recommendations on needed steps to prevent the spread of illness to those we serve and to support the continuity of business services our clients have come to rely on.
As an authorized essential services provider, Access continues to offer our full suite of information management and security solutions in support of our clients and essential service partners. We have taken the following measures to ensure the well-being of our team members, clients, and others who rely on our services and facilities:
- We have expanded use of technology to advance how we communicate and are expanding scan-on-demand offerings to deliver information as safely and efficiently as possible.
- All business travel has been suspended until domestic and international travel-restrictions are lifted and our internal risk assessments and business planning permit resumption of these activities.
- A mandatory work-from-home policy has been implemented for our administrative, sales, and support team members.
- Social-distancing practices have been implemented internally and throughout our global service operations, inclusive of the suspension of signature requirements and other typical person-to-person transactions.
- We have enhanced our daily facility sanitation practices to include regular cleaning and disinfection of high-contact surfaces.
- We have made non-medical masks available for voluntary use throughout our business to further prevent the spread of illness.
- Specific protocols have been implemented for service in healthcare and other elevated risk settings. These include enhanced training for team members and hazard avoidance measures to control transmission risk.
- Access team members, contractors, and visitors have been asked to participate in wellness screening to monitor for symptoms compatible with COVID-19 and asked to self-quarantine, where necessary.
- We have taken measures to coordinate with local emergency resource partners to provide adequate supplies of safety equipment and supplies, such as hand sanitizer, for staff who perform essential service operations.
In addition to the steps taken to protect people, we have activated our business continuity plan and implemented an Executive COVID-19 Task Force supported by our many safety, compliance, and regulatory experts to ensure our operations continue to run smoothly. This includes ensuring we have necessary contingencies and procedures in place to confidently manage any potential disruptions and the evolving nature of the global health crisis.
Access remains committed to exceeding the expectations of our clients, company, and community every day. Everyone who interacts with our business can share in our confidence that we will continue to offer exceptional levels of service, safely, the Access Way.
Leigh Young
Chief Operating Officer
March 20, 2020
Together, we are facing an enormous challenge as the coronavirus pandemic impacts just about every aspect of our lives. We are very much part of our clients’ business continuity plans and protect information for millions of people. We’re monitoring local conditions very closely and will adjust as needed.
Access has been designated an essential service for businesses, especially government, public services, hospitals, health care providers, and financial institutions. We’re committed to continuing service to our clients with as little interruption as possible. Should a delay in service occur, we will communicate with you as quickly as possible.
As a reminder, we can help you manage your information needs through digital delivery of scanned documents (Scan on Demand), moving records offsite for easier access, servicing alternate locations with proper authorization, digitization, and more.
The health and safety of our clients, communities and team members is our first priority. Please contact our Client Care team or call us at 877-345-3546 for additional information and to assess service options.
Leigh Young Chief Operating Officer
March 18, 2020
Our Vision – To exceed the expectations of our clients, company and community every day.
Our Mission – Advancing how the world manages information with the very best service.
Our Commitment to You – We’re Here to Help
Access protects and manages information for millions of people throughout the world. We take this commitment very seriously, especially now as we all work to keep each other safe during the coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic.
Our vision remains to exceed the expectations of our clients, company, and community every day, and at this time, the health of our Access team members, our clients and the people who live in all our communities is our top priority.
We’re taking proactive measures, learning continuously and adapting as we go
We’re making informed decisions as well as planning ahead to ensure we are able to serve your information management needs as you respond to the global pandemic and all of the restrictions being implemented.
We’ve appointed an experienced, cross functional senior team to lead an Access Coronavirus (COVID-19) Task Force. Our goal is to respond quickly and decisively as our clients reach out to us for assistance.
Our operations and remote work capabilities
Our records centers and service facilities remain open and operational. We are deemed a critical service provider for businesses, and especially for hospitals, health care providers, and financial institutions.
We have instituted safety precautions in each of our centers, equipping our team members with sanitizing supplies and providing them with daily training and information, especially on social distancing and safe delivery practices. In addition, only business critical visits are permitted at our facilities, and only after proper screening criteria are met.
If our team members or their families are not feeling well, our team members are instructed to stay home following CDC guidelines.
All non-operations team members are working from home as of Friday, March 13, and our IT team is ensuring that we have secure remote access to our systems so that our operations will continue with as little interruption as possible.
Access to your information
We will provide you access to your critical information no matter the industry you serve or location you work from. In addition to our standard physical delivery and pickup services, you can also request delivery of stored records and receive digital copies through our Scan On Demand services. We encourage you to consider this option as we all make adjustments to limit the spread of COVID-19. If you need physical records delivery, we can also facilitate delivering to alternate locations once we have proper authorization to do so.
We can move onsite records to an offsite location for easier retrieval while your team works from home, and we can scan and digitize your most active records to ensure fast and secure distribution.
As always, we can provide secure destruction of records and media. We can also help you review and create your retention policies. We’re happy to connect with your teams virtually at any time to do some strategic planning. Please let us know how we can help you, your business and your team get through this global pandemic.
Company travel
For the time being, we’ve canceled travel of any kind, except of course our day to day operational deliveries to our clients. We are excited to accommodate meetings with Access representatives through videoconferencing, and as conferences and industry gatherings are cancelled, we are exploring alternative virtual ways of keeping you educated and up to date with information management and governance developments.
Client care continues uninterrupted
As of now, our Client Care hours haven’t changed. We are standing by to help you with your needs””please don’t hesitate to contact your client care representative with questions or concerns.
Stay safe and healthy.
Rob Alston
Chief Executive Officer
March 12, 2020
As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve, we want to assure you that Access has implemented our business continuity plan (BCP) and we are fully operational. We understand that many of you are implementing your own BCP plans and have varying degrees of guidance in place to support your employees and clients. Some clients have reached out to us for additional support to ensure their information management needs are met during these continuously changing times. As business partners, we want to make sure you know we are here to support you.
Examples of how we have already helped our clients include:
- Digital delivery of requested offsite records to reduce in-person contact (Scan On Demand)
- Moving onsite records offsite
- Indexing of records stored with us to make offsite records easier to request
- Scanning of records for easier distribution
- Destruction of records that are onsite
We are here to support you and your business needs through good times as well as challenging times. Please don’t hesitate to contact us or call 877.345.3546 if there is anything we can do for you.