Got Billing Questions?

We’re here to help!

The information on this page will help answer questions you have regarding our billing process. From key services we offer to general FAQ’s, you will find a variety of available resources below to help with any questions you may have. For additional assistance, you can also contact our Client Care Support team.

Go Digital with Electronic Billing

There are many benefits to switching from physical to digital billing, such as reducing global waste contributions and sharing information within your organization efficiently. Sign up for Paperless Invoicing today!

FileBRIDGE is your portal where you can access tools to better manage your records, request service or materials, and generate reports and insights about your collections stored with Access.

Invoice Map

Explanation of Terms

  1. Client Information: Name, billing address, and contact name
  2. Service Billing Period: The date up to and including which items are billed
  3. Date: Invoice date
  4. Invoice Number
  5. Customer #: Assigned account number to include on payment
  6. PO #: Purchase order number if provided by the client
  7. Total Amount Due: Monetary amount needed to provide payment in full
  8. Total Enclosed: Actual amount sent by the client (manually entered by the client)
  9. Remit To: The Access postal address to which payments are to be sent (plus, reminder to include invoice # with payment)
  10. EFT Remit To: Instructions on how to arrange EFT or credit card payments
  11. Invoice Headers:
    1. Qty Items – Boxes (actual count)
    2. Service Description – Container type, or service provided
    3. Quantity – Total cubic footage per container type or number of items provided
    4. Rate – Storage rate per CF for number of days in billing period or price per service type
    5. Tax – Y/N indicates if tax is applicable
    6. Fee – Line item total billed
  12. Storage: Lists pro rata amount, then reflects storage for the listed billing period by container type
  13. Service: Lists billable services provided to client during the billing month
  14. Supplies: Lists any supply items provided to client during the billing month
  15. Transportation: Fuel surcharge, plus transportation charges, incurred during the billing month
  16. The Bottom Line:
    1. Subtotal – Total billable amount before taxes
    2. Tax – Total taxes charged on invoice
    3. Invoice Total – Total billable amount including taxes
  17. Terms & Conditions: Contains specific details regarding general Access policy for services provided

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Frequently Asked Billing Questions

Please refer to the ‘How to Read Your Access Invoice’ guide which explains in more detail how Access bills for storage by cubic foot.

Quotes for services are provided upon request, or you may also reference your annual price list.

Access invoices are based on a 30-day storage month. This means that your rate will fluctuate slightly depending on the number of days in the billing period.

Late fees are applied to balances 60+ days overdue. The percentage of the late fee is determined by what was mutually agreed upon per your contract.



Access Storage Container This is a standard price per individual box purchased from Access.
Add New File For sending an individual file to Access for storage, including open-shelf environment, adding a new file to the existing database, and/or requesting a non-indexed file.
Administration Charge A service provided to all accounts for the supply and maintenance of Authorized Users, inventory management, and other administrative services associated with the management of each account.
Breach Services – Access Premier Protect & Notifi This service proactively provides you with protection in the event of a cyber-incident, accelerating your response times and providing certainty of meeting regulatory for disclosures.
Delayed/Late Fees This covers the cost of additional work and follow up on invoices not paid in a timely manner. Our goal is not to be penurious in these circumstances, but to incent on-time payment.
Dock Access This service is for reserving dock space and time for large inventory transfers.
File Tracking This per-file service covers the management and tracking costs related to file level inventories. Access is required to track an inventoried file no matter its location as part of inventory control and chain-of-custody. Effectively tracking files that your company requires us to manage in our record centers is an essential part of the chain of custody.
FileBRIDGE® We have and will continue to invest capital into our FileBRIDGE platform. FileBRIDGE is our powerful gateway to inventory management. The platform allows clients to manage their program effectively and efficiently with access to analytics, inventory management, service requests, and reporting.
Fuel Surcharge The calculated cost of fuel used while providing services.
Information Security Surcharge This service provides continuous monitoring of changes in regulatory requirements across all levels and includes key certifications such as PRISM Privacy Plus and the NAID Multi-Location AAA rating.
Minimum Monthly Storage This covers industry-leading service levels and support for every client including those who store relatively small amounts of critical information with us. This includes fixed costs in setting up and maintaining support for every client, regardless of the quantity of records they store with us.
Minimum Work Order Charge A minimum order charge applied to a customer’s account when the service order, excluding transportation-related charges, does not meet the customer’s contractual service order minimum, as set forth in the Pricing Schedule.
Price Adjustment These are annual price adjustments that are governed by the terms of your contract.
Permanent Removal This service refers to the removal of boxes associated with your account at Access. It includes the management and labor associated with the shrink wrapping and palletizing of the boxes and working with the new client and current competitive vendor on transition logistics.
Transportation Services This service is for use of vehicle load capacity, preparing Items for transportation, and loading onto and off Access vehicles when making a pickup or delivery. For Archival Destruction, this service also includes transporting items to our Shredding facilities and staging for destruction.
Wait Time (Minimum ¼ Hour) Wait time cost is assessed in the event that the client causes delay of the Access courier in performing their tasks. Delays can occur due to the shipment not being properly prepared as previously agreed to, or an inability to access elevators or building docks at the client’s site. Billable Wait Time commences 15 minutes after the driver has arrived at the client site and ceases when the driver can begin performing the service designated for the Transportation Visit.
Work Order Entry Fee This fee is assessed for work orders that are entered via Client Care (email or phone orders). This fee does not apply to work orders entered through the FileBRIDGE platform.




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